

UNIA“优尼亚”集团由天才工程师August Ventzki创立于1882年,总部位于波兰工业重镇格鲁琼斯,作为全球知名的农业机械专业化生产企业,在波兰设有4个专业化生产工厂,法国,罗马尼亚也分别建有生产工厂,并在德国、法国、瑞典、挪威、丹麦、西班牙、俄罗斯、乌克兰、立陶宛、土耳其、美国、加拿大、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗等国设有分支机构或销售处,产品远销世界60多个国家地区。集团的主要产品有耕整地机械、播种机械、施肥机械、植保机械、牧草机械、转运机械、马铃薯机械以及烘干仓储设备等。

Unia Group is found by extremely talented engineer and constructor August Ventzki in 1882 in Grudziadz city. Currently capital group of UNIA consists of 4 factories in Poland, 1 factory in Farnce and Romania, it also has branches or sales offices in Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Turkey, the United States, Canada, Kazakhstan, Iran and other countries, and its products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions in the world.The main products of the group include tillage and land preparation machinery, seeding machinery, fertilizing machinery, plant protection machinery, forage machinery,transport machinery,potato machinery and drying storage equipment.


Shandong Unia Agricultural Machinery Co.,Ltd. located in Dezhou, Shandong, is the Sales Office of the Unia group in China. With the development of China agricultural modernization, Chinese agricultural practitioners demand for high-level machinery has become increasingly urgent, Shandong Unia agriculture machinery Co,.Ltd will provide high-quality high-level agricultural machinery, perfect customer service service, and a full range of planting program directed and training to all users in China.

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UNIA“优尼亚”集团由天才工程师August Ventzki创立于1882年,总部位于波兰工业重镇格鲁琼斯,作为全球知名的农业机械专业化生产企业,在波兰设有4个专业化生产工厂,法国,罗马尼亚也分别建有生产工厂,并在德国、法国、瑞典、挪威、丹麦、西班牙、俄罗斯、乌克兰、立陶宛、土耳其、美国、加拿大、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗等国设有分支机构或销售处,产品远销世界60多个国家地区。集团的主要产品有耕整地机械、播种机械、施肥机械、植保机械、牧草机械、转运机械、马铃薯机械以及烘干仓储设备等。

Unia Group is found by extremely talented engineer and constructor August Ventzki in 1882 in Grudziadz city. Currently capital group of UNIA consists of 4 factories in Poland, 1 factory in Farnce and Romania, it also has branches or sales offices in Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Turkey, the United States, Canada, Kazakhstan, Iran and other countries, and its products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions in the world.The main products of the group include tillage and land preparation machinery, seeding machinery, fertilizing machinery, plant protection machinery, forage machinery,transport machinery,potato machinery and drying storage equipment.


Shandong Unia Agricultural Machinery Co.,Ltd. located in Dezhou, Shandong, is the Sales Office of the Unia group in China. With the development of China agricultural modernization, Chinese agricultural practitioners demand for high-level machinery has become increasingly urgent, Shandong Unia agriculture machinery Co,.Ltd will provide high-quality high-level agricultural machinery, perfect customer service service, and a full range of planting program directed and training to all users in China.
